The Great Knit Picks haul

For quite a long time, I’ve drooled over Knit Picks yarn. Stunning colours, great fibres and and excellent price point. The biggest downside was that they don’t ship to Australia. This didn’t stop me building up a significant wishlist! They were destined to remain as wishes until I received a ball of Fingering Chroma in Lollipop in a swap. It’s a single ply wool/nylon yarn with long gradual colour changes. They must dust that first ball with crack, because then I HAD to have more.

I did some research into mail forwarders, and chose to use ComGateway. And because I was paying for shipping, I wanted to make sure I got my money’s worth.

And, boy, did I! In some justification, it was my birthday present *shifty eyes*

Here was the bag that arrived at my door.


And here’s what was inside.


Yeah, that’s a LOT of yarn. Isn’t it awesome?

Lots of Felici – a wool/nylon workhouse sock yarn.

It comes in Self Striping


And Solids.


There’s also some Stroll and Glitter (OMG SPARKLEZ!!11!!1!!!) in there too. I love that there’s some sport weight sock yarn available. It knits up so fast.

I also chucked in some Palette for Dr Who Knits, some Chroma Worsted for cowls and some Gloss silk in both fingering and DK for shawls.


I feel like I could throw it all on my bed and roll around in it 🙂

I also got a mini sock blocker and some DPNs.

Very happy with my stash expansion, even if my husband did groan when he saw it. Now to start searching patterns and actually knitting it….

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