Tag Archives: Pregnancy

Getting my knitting mojo back.

Our completely pointless summer has given way to a very very cold autumn. As the Starks say “Winter is coming.” despite wanting to hibernate, I’m taking advantage of my childrens’ Easter spoils and curling up with chocolate, good bad tv and my knitting. Fingers crossed that I am finally getting my knitting mojo back.

A nice easy project to keep me entertained is a Pinwheel Blanket for the baby. I started it well before I knew the sex, so I chose to dye the yarn bright unisex colours. I love a baby in sunshine yellow 🙂


I’m calling this the Blanket of Doom as, like the proverbial bunny, it just keeps going and going and going. I’m at 47 stitches per section which is 470 stitches total. Each round seems to take forever! I will increase to 50 before I give up. Thank goodness it’s in 10ply or it wouldn’t be finished before his 21st.

On a side note, this is my first time blogging from my phone. Yay for technology!

The great blog resurrection!

Poor sad neglected blog!

The last 4 months have been incredibly hectic and something had to give. Unfortunately, that something was blogging.

As a quick recap of the last few months: I am expecting another little boy in July, which is so wonderful. This pregnancy has not been the easiest I’ve ever had. A month long migraine ending in hospitalization meant a lot of my crafting suffered as it just hurt too much to concentrate on anything small, like screens or knitting. Ont he other end of the spectrum, my back and pelvis have given up the fight, so lots of lounge surfing for the next few months has encouraged me to really hook into my knitting. Dyeing has taken a very back seat as I just wasn’t comfortable playing with dangerous chemicals whilst pregnant. Stellar Yarns has also taken a break as morning sickness and two young children is draining enough.

I’ve hardly knit anything for this baby (poor unloved third child) so I have a bulky blanket OTN right now.

Even though I’ve been unable to knit, I have still been acquiring beautiful yarns, mostly sock yarns. How exactly does that happen?

I’m hoping that I will be able to blog a little more and really embrace my crafting passions before the chaos of a newborn throws it all haywire again. I must learn how to blog from my phone for late night feeds….

Here’s hoping to a new year full of blogging!